
What does it take to remove snow from my roof?

The need for snow removal will certainly arise now that winter is upon us. How about a place not always frequented – talking about your roof? We neglect the snow domiciled on the roof and look to the sun to do its work. However, leaving snow unattended for a long time can harm our roof.

When should I clear the snow on my roof?

This will be addressed from two different perspectives. Firstly, you should only get on with snow removal when the weather is not too cold or warm. Frigid weather may increase the probability of you getting frostbite, while warm weather can cause the snow to turn into ice, making it a bit more challenging to get rid of. Secondly, if you’ve not been thinking about removing the snow on your roof, you shouldn’t delay further once you start finding the door or window too hard to open. Again, the emergence of weird or creaking sounds from the roof during winter can signal the need to do snow removal in Boise.

How do I go about it?

The best and safest means of removing snow from the roof for a DIYer is to utilize a telescopic snow rake with an adjustable long handle. Once you have the rake with you, you should stand at an angular distance – not directly under the roof edge – and extend it to drag down the snowpack. While at it, you should be mindful not to allow the snow to accumulate over the downspouts or gutters. If it has not occurred to you, using a snow rake prevents you from going up the roof, wherein an (accidental) slip could result in you picking up injuries. You should never allow anyone to use a metallic shovel on your roof. The surface and roofing elements must not be destroyed to remove snow.

When should I call a professional?

You will always need a professional to remove the snow on your roof if you have a tight schedule. More importantly, you should not hesitate to get across to an expert if you feel the work [of removing the snow] will be tedious – where you have to get on the roof. That aside, you will also need a professional service in the event whereby there is a mix of both snow and ice to deal with. Even more needful would a professional be required whenever the snow on the roof has affected other areas of the home.

How much does it cost to hire a professional?

The cost for engaging the services of a professional for snow removal will be dependent on the size of the snow. Nevertheless, the average cost is rated between US$250 – and US$500.