
Household Relocation 101

Now that the hard part of choosing your desired home is over, you can concentrate on the relocation itself. Whether you are a novice or have done this before, we can all agree that this is a big and demanding project for any individual. Many tasks are up ahead, and you need to be on top of every situation. In order to help you along, we will go through some household relocation essentials.

As with any big project, plan early and start ahead

 We suggest that you begin by putting everything on paper. List all the tasks that need to be done and every detail that requires special attention. Start making this list early and go over it a couple of times, to make sure it’s foolproof. By doing so, you avoid losing track of anything important. Also, as the moving week approaches, you’ll always have your well-thought-out plan to fall back on in case you feel stressed or insecure about the whole operation

Caption: Plan carefully your household relocation \\ Alt text: a person writing a list in a notebook

Set up a moving budget

 Don’t stress out about deciding on an exact amount, rather make a rough estimate. Not preparing financially can take a big tole on your wallet, so plan it carefully. Decide what you need to spend your money on, as well as the things you can go without. Things to include in calculus ought to be:

  • Moving company expenses
  • Boxes and packing supplies
  • Legal document and fees
  • Property taxes and deposits

You can save on some items on this list, but you have to put in some time and effort. Choosing the right moving company can make a great difference in your final household relocation price. You need to do some proper research in order to find the company that best meets your needs and possibilities. Moving of America – NJ movers offers great deals to both local and long distance moving, so give them a try. We strongly advise that you don’t neglect this important decision since the moving company can make or break this whole experience.

Why is household relocation better with a moving company, than without one

Even if you’ve moved multiple times, and have gathered some experience, moving companies will always be one step ahead, simply because they do it on a daily basis. You can always find some advice on the Internet, or from a friend, but experienced movers will inevitably know so much more. Almost anyone can pack a box full of books, but if you would like to safely transport your arts, you should leave it to professionals. Moving agents are efficient, skilfull and ready for rare and unexpected situations. Ultimately, you will save yourself some energy, nerves and time.

Caption: Make sure your belongings get the proper treatment \\ Alt description: eight photos of mountains hanged neatly on the wall

Packing process 

It would be a smart move to start packing as soon as possible. Clean out your closets and bedrooms first, starting with the rarely used items. Leave the kitchen and bathroom for the end, along with all the essentials. And, by all means, get rid of everything you don’t need. If an item hasn’t been used for over 6 months, chances are you can live without it. This will turn out to be hugely beneficial since you’ll save on space and time to pack it all. Now, even for the most basic packing, you will need:

  1. Boxes. In order to save some money, rather than buying them, ask for boxes in your local grocery or clothing store. Try to get various sizes and pay attention to them being clean, odorless and undamaged. It would be great if you could get a hold of cell dividers. These really come in handy when packing bottles and ornaments. Use smaller boxes for heavier items, and bigger ones for clothes, blankets, and sheets.
  2. Packing supplies. Get plenty of packing paper, ducktape, bubble wrap, and sticky notes. Wrap your plates and glasses and double seal all boxes, especially the heavy ones. Use sticky notes to color code the boxes according to the items they carry. For example, assign blue color to all the boxes with bathroom items, and write its contents on it. This will come in handy when you need to find that one specific thing and are faced with loads of boxes.

Caption: Every room gets a color, and every box gets a name \\ Alt description: Desk filled with colorful markers and sticky notes

Safety first 

When the moving day arrives, we implore you to avoid any unnecessary heavy lifting. Before the moving company arrives, try to declutter the rooms by pushing all the boxes aside, thus creating a clear way for them to operate. We know how tempting it can be to just lift and carry everything along with the movers, but the risk of hurting yourself is significant. Wanting to help is understandable and worth of a praise, but try to keep it simple. After all, you don’t want to damage your piano on your moving day, and especially hurt your back, because you couldn’t lift and carry it properly. Satisfy yourself with smaller items and lighter boxes. Save your energy for cleaning that comes after everything has been loaded into the truck.

Asking for help is a recommendation

Household relocation is a stressful and time-consuming project. Don’t shy away from asking for help wherever you can. Speak with your boss about a couple of free days around the moving day, so that you can do it efficiently, and adjust to the new home calmly. If you are moving with your kids, find someone to watch over them when the time and obligations get hectic. You ensure that they have all the necessary attention and care, while you focus on all the rest. Even asking for advice or recommendation is very useful. This is a frantic period, and a small favor can mean a lot. Try to keep calm, stay focused on your to-do list, and see this as a valuable experience. Sooner than you know, it will pass, and you’ll have all the time in the world to enjoy your new home.